The Best CEC papers to appear in Knowledge-based Systems

Agreement for a Special Issue of the journal Knowledge-Based Systems on and provisionally entitled: Evolutionary Computation 1999.

Dear Professor Angeline,

Happy New Year. All the best for 1999.

Below you will find a number of items which I think are important points to agree on regarding the publication of papers of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation 1999.

  1. The Special Issue will be composed of the best papers of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation in extended, revised and updated version.
  2. The Special Issue will be edited by the GUEST - EDITOR. If there will be more than one Guest-Editor, then the Primary Guest Editor will see to it that the scientific contents of the articles are appropriate for the journal, and that the articles are written in correct English. Also, the presentation should be in accordance with the general Instructions to Authors for the journal.
  3. The Special Issue will comprise of 8 to 10 articles, and can be extended to a double issue. No restriction to the number of pages applies.
  4. A Table of Contents (with an arrangement of papers by subject into sections) will be prepared by the Primary Guest Editor. The Author Index will be prepared by ELSEVIER.
  5. It is the intention that the Special Issue will be published in the second quarter of 1999 so that all manuscripts should be at ELSEVIER's in complete form by November 1, 1999.
  6. Professor Ernest A. Edmonds, as Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge - Based Systems, will, if he deems it necessary, interact with the Guest Editor on any editorial matters, such as refereeing procedures, acceptance criteria, etc.
  7. According to the rules of the journal, each first author will receive 50 free reprints of his article and a free copy of the Special Issue. Also, each author may submit up to 10 names and addresses where ELSEVIER shall send a complimentary copy of the journal Special Issue on behalf of the author.
  8. According to the rules of the journal, authors will receive a copyright transfer form, as well as a reprint order form enabling them to order reprints of their articles directly from the publisher at the publisher's normal prices.
  9. The Special Issue will be copyrighted in the name of ELSEVIER SCIENCE and consecutively numbered as the first subsequent issue of the journal Knowledge-Based Systems, published by ELSEVIER under the imprint of ELSEVIER.
  10. Authors of papers in the Special Issue will be directly responsible to ELSEVIER for any extra costs caused by making excessive (over 10%) revisions in their galley proofs. ELSEVIER has the right to delete from the Special Issue the paper of any author who refuses to pay them such costs. The Primary Guest Editor will inform authors of these rules.
If the above correctly reflects our mutual understanding, then we could go on and formalize this agreement.

Thank you for your interest for publication. I am looking forward to hearing from you and continuing our cooperation.

Kind regards,

Doutzen Abma Publishing Editor

Last modified: Thu Jan 14 11:16:19 EST 1999