Session: Quantum Computing – 2 Sessions
Ajit Narayanan
Department of Computer Science
University of Exeter
Exeter EX4 4PT, UK
Ajit Narayanan
University of Exeter
This talk will briefly introduce the basic concepts of quantum computing, such as superpositions and quantum Turing Machines, before describing Shor's quantum cryptanalysis algorithm.
Richard Hughes
Los Alamos National Laboratory
This talk will bring the audience up-to-date on the most recent developments in quantum computing and will describe current interest and research at LANL, which included the use of trapped ions for undertaking quantum computation.
Lee Spector
Hampshire College
Amherst, MA
Methods for discovering algorithms for quantum computers are described where such methods are more efficient than any classical computer algorithms for the same problems.
Anders Karlsson
Royal Institute of Technology
Current research in quantum information theory and cryptography will by described.
Lov Grover
Bell Labs
Grover's algorithm for database search will be described.
Colin P. Williams
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Current work based on Grover's algorithm for solving NP - complete problems through quantum search will be described.