CEC99 Call for Tutorials
The CEC99 Program Committee invites tutorial proposals for the 1999
Congress on Evolutionary Computation. The tutorials will be given
during the whole day of July 6, 1999. Each tutorial will run
for 2 hours. Anyone who is interested in presenting a tutorial at
CEC99 should submit a proposal to the tutorial chair at the address
CEC99 is interested in proposals for advanced tutorials at the leading
edge of evolutionary computation. We encourage tutorials that
summarize recent technical advances in core paradigms of evolutionary
computation, such as evolution strategies, evolutionary programming,
genetic algorithms, and genetic programming. We especially encourage
tutorials that educate the EC community about advanced techniques,
emerging opportunities, and applications. These topics include, but
are not limited to, artificial life, co-evolutionary learning,
evolutionary neural networks, classifier systems, DNA computing,
evolvable hardware, evolutionary robotics, and other applications of
evolutionary computation to intelligent system creation.
Submission Requirements
The proposal should provide the following information:
- Name, institutional affiliation, mailing address, phone, fax,
e-mail, WWW address of the proposed presenter(s).
- Title for the tutorial.
- A 200-300 word description of the tutorial (for tutorial
booklets and web pages).
- Biographical sketch of 100-200 words (for tutorial booklets and
web pages).
- Detailed outline or prose description of the tutorial contents
(for evaluation).
The conference compensates tutorial speakers with a honorarium. The amounts
of the honorarium will depend on the number of acceptable proposals.
Submission Deadline
Prospective tutorial speakers should send their letter of intent by
November 1, 1998. Proposals must be received by November 10,
1998. Decisions about the tutorial program will be made by
December 10, 1998. Speakers should be prepared to submit completed
course materials by April 1, 1999.
Two hard copies of proposals should be sent to the tutorial chair at the
following address. Electronic submissions will also be accepted.
Byoung-Tak Zhang
Artificial Intelligence Lab (SCAI)
Dept. of Computer Engineering
Seoul National University
Seoul 151-742, South Korea
E-mail: btzhang@scai.snu.ac.kr
Phone: +82-2-880-1833
Fax: +82-2-883-3595
Questions should be directed to Byoung-Tak Zhang at btzhang@scai.snu.ac.kr