Lodging Information

We have arranged for three area hotels and for rooms in the graduate
dormitories to give special rates for ICGA97 participants. The hotels,
their rates, and addresses are listed. Please inform them that you are
attending the ICGA97 to obtain the special rate.
Special Note, 7/3/97. The Kellogg center, where the
conference will be held, is full for the night of July 19th, Saturday,
but has a many rooms still for Sunday through Tuesday. For
convenience, you might consider registering at the Marriott or Ramada
for Saturday, then got to the Kellog for the remainder of the
East Lansing Marriott
270 M.A.C Avenue, East Lansing, 48823
Single, $72
Double (2people,1bed), $72
Double (2people,2bed) $72
MSU Kellogg Center
Hotel and Conference Center for
Single, $69
Continuing Ed, E. Lansing MI 48823
phone:517-432-4000 (Ext 5121)
East Lansing Ramada Inn note: they just changed their name from Park Inn International
1100 Trowbridge Road
Single, $49
E. Lansing MI 48823
MSU Brody Grad Dorm
Dept. of University Housing
Single, $23
W-190 Holmes, E. Lansing 48823
Double, $17 per person
phone:517-355-7480, ask for Terry Waters (sorry, had the wrong number until 4/25)

Bill Punch, MSU GARAGe (Genetic Algorithms Research and Application Group),
Last modified: Thu Jul 3 14:29:52 EDT 1997